Here are a couple fliks from this past weekend.. We drove out to Ventura for California Car & Cycle Show.. Thanks to JaeBueno for inviting us out and Viejitos C.C. for having us.
Our boys over at Supreme hand delivered the Deluxe edition of the Supreme Book to the shop so I thought we would show you guys a couple of pages on whats inside..
Thanks to Berto, Ben and the Rest of the Supreme Team!
Our good friend Danny T. just came back from Texas and was telling us about the new trailer he did for Cinco De Mayo. You might have a hard time finding cause Fox pulled the plug on it due to the situation going on with la Migra.
So for those of you that want to check out the "Illegal" Trailer.
In a day of Remakes and Special effects, its hard to take your kids to see a good film. So here is another classic for all of you to watch with the family.
It was an honor to be invited by the organizers for the NHRA Motorsports Museum for their Twilight Cruise event. The event is held the first Wednesday of every month(April-December) So if your ever out in the exotic city of Pomona California come check it out.